Ali Khalid

I am doing Ph.D. at Gollisano College of Computing and Information Science, located at Rochester Institute of Technology. Currenly, I am working in Networked Sensing Systems Lab under the guidance of Prof. Fawad Ahmed. My research focuses on developing systems for improving performance and safety of self-driving cars.

Before Joining RIT, I worked as a Research Assistant at the Lahore University of Management Science (LUMS). During my research here, I concentrated on using satellite data together with deep learning to develop a data-driven approach for the creation of sustainable urban communities. Prior to this, I was a Research Assistant at the Information Technology University, where I worked on 3D computer vision. My research aimed to improve the robustness of Structure From Motion by substituting traditional modules in the pipeline with deep learning modules. Before that, I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, and my academic achievements earned me a place on the dean’s honor list.